The No Stress Dress

The No Stress Dress

This week I happened to walk past Countdown’s Rachel Riley. Rachel is a young woman who has learnt the power of the dress early in her life. She has a degree in Maths from Oxford University and can slay a man with a figure. Hers. Wearing dresses is something I’ve come...
My Fortysomething Face

My Fortysomething Face

My face has been through a lot. In my teens I got friendly with sunbeds and hung out with them whenever I could. Back then Ultra Violet in my book was the shade of eye shadow that sat next to Electric Blue in the palette. I couldn’t get enough. In my twenties I took a...
Batty for Lashes!

Batty for Lashes!

In the photo she posted on Insta recently, my goddaughter looks like a young Dusty Springfield.  She has the ‘up-do’, a teeny-weeny shift dress and enormous eye lashes.  A small part of me is jealous. It’s the lashes. Thick, long and totally artificial. I look at my...
High Brow? Low Brow? No Brow?

High Brow? Low Brow? No Brow?

In 1979 my school friend Sarah bought her first LP. It was The Fine Art of Surfacing by the Boomtown Rats. Between the pair of us we had a record collection which amounted to her Boomtown Rats album, my copy of Blondie’s Parallel Lines and a 7” of The Floral Dance....
I Know Victoria’s Secret

I Know Victoria’s Secret

My friend Rebecca is one of those direct types. I think it comes from years of nursing. All those hours of genito-urinary fun probably knock all the tact and discretion out of you. “Your boobs aren’t that big!” She said as I entered her house for dinner one evening....
Feeling Blousy. Viva the Pussy-Bow!

Feeling Blousy. Viva the Pussy-Bow!

It is a warm London night in the early 90s. An arm encircles my waist and I feel hot breath in my ear. “You do have a quite fabulous… pussy-bow,” I hear. My heart beats a little faster, for this arm belongs to a young man who will go on to become a...