Make it a Date!

Make it a Date!

I don’t wish to frighten the horses, people, but Christmas is a matter of weeks away and it’s time to talk dates. Not first dates, or blind dates or hot dates; those were the kind of dates I concerned myself with as a younger person.  Back then, three dates in a day...
To My Furred Son on Our Anniversary!

To My Furred Son on Our Anniversary!

We are going away for the bank holiday weekend and I am packing the bag. In it I have put, as a matter of priority, a packet of Wagtastic chicken strips, some grain free treats (steam cooked fish, potato and sweet potato), Lionel, the lion rope toy, poo bags (never in...
I Love a Smooth Hottie!

I Love a Smooth Hottie!

This week I heard verified on Radio 4 (must be true) something I already knew: most treatments for back pain are ineffective. As I write, I am sitting at my desk with non-specific lower back pain. A hot water bottle is crushed between my spine and the chair. The...
Fabulous Freckles, Lousy Liver Spots

Fabulous Freckles, Lousy Liver Spots

I love Freckles! That’s what I’d tell my parents every time we went to visit my extended family in the Kent countryside. Freckles was a pony who lived in a field behind my great aunt’s house. As his name would suggest, he was grey with a smattering of brown...