I Love a Smooth Hottie!

I Love a Smooth Hottie!

This week I heard verified on Radio 4 (must be true) something I already knew: most treatments for back pain are ineffective. As I write, I am sitting at my desk with non-specific lower back pain. A hot water bottle is crushed between my spine and the chair. The...
My Fortysomething Face

My Fortysomething Face

My face has been through a lot. In my teens I got friendly with sunbeds and hung out with them whenever I could. Back then Ultra Violet in my book was the shade of eye shadow that sat next to Electric Blue in the palette. I couldn’t get enough. In my twenties I took a...
The New Year Solution

The New Year Solution

Remember the Numskulls from the Dandy comic?  Those tiny little guys living in a man’s brain, controlling all his body functions? They are are alive and well and currently choreographing a tap dance routine in my head. At least, that’s what it feels like they’re...
Christmas? Thriftmas!

Christmas? Thriftmas!

I have run out of sellotape. The universe is clearly signalling me to stop shopping for Christmas presents and I am happy to do so. The truth is, I’d largely finished my Christmas shopping by the beginning of November. My friends gasp when I tell them this. They...